5 Deadly Mistakes in MEAN Stack Development: Don’t try them

5 Deadly Mistakes in MEAN Stack Development: Don’t try them


Building a web application with MEAN stack, comprises elements like MongoDB, Express.js, Angualr.js and Node.js which are a blend of powerful platforms to build a responsive and dynamic website and application.

Even with the powerful tools listed above, a developer may occasionally run into a few architectural difficulties that result in a rigid solution. To obtain a scalable and adaptive design, it is critical to comprehend the obstacles and how to avoid them.

We'll discuss some typical blunders in this blog post, along with tips for building a more adaptable MEAN stack project. Additionally, we'll comprehend a few aspects of MEAN Stack Development. Are you prepared to start now?

Let us first clarify what MEAN Stack Development is.

What does MEAN Stack stand for and mean?

The term "MEAN Stack" describes the process of building websites and applications with a select group of tools, such as Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js, and MongoDB. Since all of the aforementioned components are JavaScript-based, MEAN stack functions as a single programming environment for client-side and server-side development.

MEAN Stack & Its game of Statistics

In order to appreciate the significance of MEAN Stack development, let's examine some fascinating statistics:

  • One study from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 states that JavaScript is a widely used programming language for web development, with 67.8% of respondents using it for this purpose.
  • One of the most crucial parts of any MEAN Stack, Angular, has over 1.2 million packages downloaded from npm each week, which contributes to its popularity.
  • The NoSQL database MongoDB, which is part of a MEAN stack, is growing in popularity quickly. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey for 2021, it is regarded as the sixth most popular database.

As more firms begin utilizing the MEAN stack for their projects, specialized businesses that concentrate solely on this kind of tech stack.

Further, let’s understand the advantages and challenges of MEAN Stack development

Common Mistakes in MEAN Stack Development Project

Ignoring the Modular Design Issue

If a modular design isn't implemented, a tightly connected component may result, making it challenging to scale or adapt the program.

Solution: It may be a good idea to start with a modular strategy. An efficient way to solve an application's problems is to divide it up into smaller, independent modules that are built, updated, and scaled.

Ignoring Database Schema Design Issue

Because MongoDB lacks a schema, developers may undervalue the significance of a carefully considered database schema, which could result in inefficient data update and retrieval.

Solution: Take the effort to create a logical structure that satisfies the data needs of your application. Utilize the schema validation capabilities of MongoDB to guarantee data integrity.

Building a Flexible MEAN Stack architecture - A 10 Step process

Creating a flexible MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) stack architecture is about building a system that's not only robust but also adaptable to changing needs and scales. Let's walk through a more relatable, step-by-step approach to setting this up:

Step 1: Understand What You Need

Start by getting a clear picture of what you need from your application. Think about who will use it, how many people might use it at once, and what kind of data you’ll handle. This is like planning a trip: knowing your destination helps you choose the right path and preparations.

Step 2: Laying the Foundation with MongoDB

Think of MongoDB as your adjustable shelving system, where you can move shelves around depending on what you need to store. Design it to handle whatever data comes its way, whether that’s a lot at once or very complex data sets. Use MongoDB's built-in features to make sure it can grow with your needs, and keep your data safe and accessible.

Step 3: Build a Sturdy Backend

Use Node.js as the backbone of your server-side operations—it’s the steady base where your application logic lives. Express.js acts like a helpful assistant, handling the details of requests and responses, making sure data goes where it needs to safely and efficiently.

Step 4: Create a Dynamic Frontend

Angular is your artist, crafting the part of your application users will see and interact with. Organize your Angular project so that each part (components, services, and modules) has a clear role, much like organizing a team where everyone knows their job. This keeps things efficient and easier to manage as your app grows.

Step 5: Make Sure Everyone Speaks the Same Language

Ensure that the frontend and backend can talk to each other smoothly. Think of this like setting up good communication in a team is important. Decide whether to use RESTful APIs or something more complex like GraphQL, depending on your needs. Use effective communication tools to make the planned communication easier.

Step 6: Secure the Gates

Just like you’d secure your home, secure your application.Users should use proven methods like JWT (JSON Web Tokens) to prove their identities to the application and manage their permitted actions.

How can Acquaint Softtech help?

Acquaint Softtech is an outsourcing software development company and IT Staff augmentation company. We provide help to organizations to fill skill scarcity gaps by helping them hire remote developers. Our hourly rate for remote devs is $15.

We offer MEAN stack development and MERN stack development services as an official Laravel Partner, giving you the option to hire MEAN stack developers or MERN stack developers to handle your development requirements.

Our talented development team can help if you're having trouble with software development projects or web app development.

Wrapping Up!

Embracing the MEAN stack development power with your web development needs to be provided with a smooth path, from concept to completion, guaranteeing the effectiveness and proving it for your applications.

It's important to be aware of a few common pitfalls when starting or enhancing your projects, rather than having them steer clear of these issues.Any organization should ensure they avoid these mistakes of MEAN development to build a flexible architecture. Moreover, knowing all the parameters for MEAN Stack development should be kept in check.

At Acquaint Softtech, we guide you through flexible architecture, and our team stands ready to bring our expertise into your unique challenges. Lean on us and use the power of the MEAN stack to build strong, scalable applications that drive your business forward.


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